Our Community

Join our vibrant community and be part of a warm and welcoming family of believers who are passionate about sharing the love of Christ and making a positive impact on the world.


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Sunday School

Sunday School is a vital part of our church community. It is a safe, welcoming, and engaging environment for children to learn about God, explore their faith, and build lifelong relationships with their peers. Our teachers are dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where children can grow and thrive.

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Youth Department

The Youth Department is a place where young adults can come together to explore their faith and find support and encouragement from their peers. We provide opportunities for growth, learning, and fun as we navigate the challenges and opportunities of this exciting stage of life.

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The Women's Department is a vibrant and supportive community of women in the church. We provide opportunities for women to grow in their faith, build strong relationships, and support each other as we navigate life's challenges.

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The Men's Department provides support, guidance, and fellowship for men in the church. We seek to help men grow spiritually, emotionally, and socially while providing opportunities for them to become stronger in their faith and their roles as heads of their families.